The Run System

This documentation was taken directly from: R. Babin, “Generic system to manage simulation runs and result collection for distributed parameter studies”, Bachelor’s Thesis (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2021). Parts of it were modified to reflect the changes to proFit since then.

A core feature of proFit is the ability to start and manage simulations. This part of proFit is referred to as the run system. A particular design challenge is the balancing of two often conflicting interests: on one side, proFit should do as much as possible automatically to reduce the work which the user has to do and on the other side, proFit should be customizable to meet specific needs a user might have.


The primary use of the run system is sampling the parameter space in an effective manner. The system should therefore take arrays of input parameters, launch the simulation in parallel for each set of parameters and return the output data when the simulations have completed. Additionally, advanced fitting methods (e.g. active learning) iteratively determine which parameters should be scheduled next. In the future an interactive user interface should allow starting new simulations as well as monitoring currently scheduled or running ones.

It should not be necessary to adjust the simulation to be able to use it with . Therefore it has to be possible to configure how proFit supplies the simulation with input arguments and how the output data is collected. In addition to supporting a few common methods, the user should have the possibility to customize proFit to support any simulation.

Large simulations require many resources and are mostly run on clusters. The run system should be designed to schedule jobs on a given cluster and needs to be able to communicate with the simulations in a distributed manner. The other extreme use case for proFit would be a large number of inexpensive simulations running locally, which require the run system to have as little overhead as possible.

Finally, the program structure and API should be clean and organized to facilitate open source contributions and allow a later expansion of this system. The configuration and customization should also be cleanly structured and easy to understand even for new users.


To fulfill the requirements above, it was decided to use a modular design with generic components. A Runner should manage all the simulation runs and start the simulations, while each of them is managed by a Worker. The Worker prepares the input for the simulation and collects its output after it has completed. To make the previously generated or user supplied parameters available to the simulation and to collect all the outputs together, the Runner needs to communicate with all simultaneously running Workers. This preliminary design is drawn in figure 1.


Figure 1: Preliminary design of the proFit run system.

To support arbitrary simulations, the processes of preparing the input for the simulation and collecting its output need to be handled by generic (and thereby adaptable) components. Depending on the system on which the simulations should be run, the method of starting the simulations (or more precisely starting the Workers, which is done by the Runner) and the method of communication need to be adaptable. Finally, for reasons of symmetry and to reduce the overhead for simulations written in Python, the Worker should be generic and adaptable as well. To meet these requirements, the run system was divided into five generic components (see figure 2) which can come in different variations.


Figure 2: The components of the proFit run system.

The central component is the Runner which interacts with the user and manages the individual runs. Each simulation run is represented by a Worker while an Interface provides the communication between the Runner and all Workers. The Interface consists of two strongly interacting parts which handle the Worker and Runner side respectively. To supply the input arguments to the simulation, the Worker uses a Preprocessor and to collect the output data a Postprocessor is used. Alternatively simulations which provide a python callable can be wrapped directly with a custom Worker. The data is then passed directly and no Pre- and Postprocessor is needed. The Runner and its corresponding part of the Interface are persistent while the other components exist for each run of the simulation separately.

Starting profit run initializes the Runner together with its corresponding Interface. When the user requests a new run, the Runner spawns a new Worker. This new Worker initializes itself with the provided configuration and environment and also initializes its part of the Interface. Then the Preprocessor is started with the input arguments which the Runner transmits via the Interface. The Worker is now ready and starts the simulation. After the simulation has completed, the Postprocessor reads the simulation’s output and passes the collected data via the Interface back to the Runner. Finally, the Worker signals the Runner that the run is completed and ensures that everything is cleaned before it exits.

Each variant of a component is marked with an identifier which allows the user to select the variant in the configuration using this identifier. Each component has its independent section in the configuration. A user can add custom variants in the exact same way the default components are implemented by specifying the file with the custom components in the configuration. As this approach allows the user to execute arbitrary code, proFit should never be run in a privileged mode.


Each component was implemented using classes in Python with each variant being a subclass of the respective abstract base class [1]. The two parts of the Interface are represented by two separate class hierarchies, which work in parallel using the same identifiers.

To facilitate adding new variants and to allow the user to provide a custom variant of a component, a class-decorator was provided for each component which registers the new variant so that it can be called using its identifier. Alternatively the label of the new variant can also be configured directly using an argument at the class definition. To select a specific variant of a component, it’s identifier has to be selected in the configuration as the respective component’s class (see for example listing 2). For the most commonly customized components Preprocessor, Postprocessor and Worker, which all override only a single method in most cases, an additional function-decorator was provided which wraps a given function to provide the same functionality as the subclass with minimal effort (see for example listing 3).

The default components of proFit are implemented using the same decorators and one of the default components, the JSON Postprocessor is given in listing 1. The retrieve method is the main method which is called to process the simualtion’s output. An example of the configuration of the JSON Postprocessor is given in listing 2.

from import Postprocessor

    @Postprocessor.wrap("json", config=dict(path="stdout"))
    def JSONPostprocessor(self, data):
        """Postprocessor to read output from a JSON file

        - variables are assumed to be stored with the correct key and able to be converted immediately
        - not extensively tested
        import json

        with open(self.path) as f:
            output = json.load(f)
        for key, value in output.items():
            if key in data.dtype.names:
                data[key] = value

Listing 1: Registering a Postprocessor with the identifier json, to read simulation output in the JSON file format. Part of the default components of proFit [proFit].

            class: json
            path: simulation_output.json
include: path/to/

Listing 2: The post-section of the YAML-configuration file to select the JSON Postprocessor defined in listing 1.

To reduce the overhead for a simulation or for testing purposes it might be beneficial to let the Worker call a Python function directly instead of starting a simulation via a system call. An example for a Worker subclass, which uses a python function instead of an executable, is given in listing 3, using the wrap-decorator discussed earlier to reduce the necessary code overhead (see listing 4 for the corresponding configuration).

def simulation(u) -> 'f':
    return np.cos(10 * u) + u

Listing 3: Registering a new Worker with the identifier python_worker, the input parameter u and output value f = cos(10 u) + u using the wrapper. Adapted from the tests of proFit [proFit].

    worker: new_worker
include: path/to/

Listing 4: The YAML configuration to select the custom Worker defined in listing 3. Adapted from the tests of proFit [proFit].


A number of default components were added to provide basic functionality and to fulfill the different requirements.

Template Preprocessor

The Template Preprocessor copies a given template directory for each run and replaces special template variables within the files with the generated values for this run. Simulations which read input parameters from files can be supplied with different variables in this way easily. This functionality has been a part of proFit before, but has been adapted to the new system and received some small improvements. With this default component all current Preprocessor requirements are fulfilled and no additional variant is needed.


Many simulations use a tabular format (e.g. CSV) for their output files. With the Numpytxt Postprocessor most of them can be processed easily and configuration options can be passed directly to the underlying numpy.genfromtxt function. Two other commonly used file formats, JSON and HDF5, are also supported with their respective Postprocessors to showcase the relative ease of adding new components.

Local Runner

The Runner is the core of the run system and by default it executes the Workers locally. Each new simulation run is launched in a separate process.

Fork Runner

For fast simulations (e.g. during testing) the Local Runner causes significant overhead as each Worker is started via a subprocess and has to reload all packages. To circumvent this, the Fork Runner now uses forking which allows the child process (a Worker) to inherit the loaded package with little overhead.

Slurm Runner

One of the core goals of this project was the utilization of the cluster scheduler Slurm instead of the local system. With the Slurm Runner each run of the simulation is scheduled as a job with groups of runs being scheduled as job arrays. The scheduler can be queried at specified intervals to detect failed or cancelled jobs. Parallelised simulations using OpenMP are supported, as well as passing arbitrary options through to the Slurm scheduler, like the job’s required memory. By default the Slurm Runner generates a Slurm script, but it can be configured to take a user supplied script instead.

Memmap Interface

The default Interface uses a memory mapped file which allows all Workers and the Runner to access the same numpy array. Special care was taken to ensure that each component only accesses a small part of the mapping and each part is only written from one place to prevent race conditions.

ZeroMQ Interface

On a cluster, a file based Interface is problematic as the distributed file system is not fully synchronized. The ZeroMQ Interface uses the lightweight message queue ZeroMQ  [2] instead. The required information is transmitted using binary messages over a configurable transport system (by default tcp), which allows efficient communication across the network.

[proFit] (1,2,3)
  1. Albert, M. Kendler, R. Babin, M. Hadwiger, R. Hofmeister, M. Khallaayoune, F. Kramp, K. Rath, & B. Rubino-Moyner, “proFit: Probabilistic Response Model Fitting with Interactive Tools”, 10.5281/zenodo.6624446 (2022)