Custom extensions

Experienced users have the possibility to add custom components which are used throughout the proFit workflow. The code should be placed in a Python file which is referenced inside the include section of the profit.yaml configuration file.

Following components are customizable:

  • Runner
    Base class:
    Set in run config: runner: label_of_custom_runner
  • RunnerInterface & WorkerInterface
    Base class: &
    Set in run config: interface: label_of_custom_interface
  • Worker
    Base class:
    Set in run config: worker: label_of_custom_worker
  • Preprocessor
    Base class:
    Set in run.runner(command) config: pre: label_of_custom_preprocessor
  • Postprocessor
    Base class:
    Set in run.runner(command) config: post: label_of_custom_postprocessor
  • Surrogate model
    Base class: profit.sur.Surrogate
    Set in fit config: surrogate: label_of_custom_surrogate
  • Active learning algorithm
    Base class:
    Set in active_learning config: algorithm: label_of_custom_al_algorithm
  • Acquisition function
    Base class:
    Set in active_learning/algorithm config: acquisition_function: label_of_custom_acquisition_function
  • FileHandler in-/output file format
    Base class: profit.util.file_handler.FileHandler
    Set in files config: File ending of custom FileHandler

To create custom classes, the method register of the corresponding base class is used. All run components support registering using subclass arguments. For the Worker, Preprocessor and Postprocessor classes there exists a wrap method which simplifies the registering process.


Here, examples of registering a custom worker, custom postprocessor and a custom file format are shown.

# Worker

from import Worker
import numpy as np

class CustomWorker(Worker, label="custom_worker"):
"""Directly calling the wanted python function."""

    def work(self):
        u = self.interface.input["u"]
        v = self.interface.input["v"]
        self.interface.output["f"] = np.cos(10 * u) + v

def f(u, v) -> "f":
"""Shorthand for custom_worker."""
    return np.cos(10 * u) + v
# Postprocessor

from import Postprocessor
import numpy as np

class CustomPost(Postprocessor, label="custom_post"):
"""Almost identical copy of NumpytxtPostprocessor."""

    def post(self, data):
        raw = np.loadtxt('mockup.out')
        data['f'] = raw

def custom_post(data):
    """Shorthand for custom_post."""
    raw = np.loadtxt('mockup.out')
    data['f'] = raw
# FileHandler in-/output file format

from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler

class PickleHandler(FileHandler):

    def save(cls, filename, data, **kwargs):
        from pickle import dump
        write_method = 'wb' if not 'method' in kwargs else kwargs['method']
        dump(data, open(filename, write_method))

    def load(cls, filename, as_type='raw', read_method='rb'):
        from pickle import load
        if as_type != 'raw':
            return NotImplemented
        return load(open(filename, read_method))