Source code for

import dash
from dash import dcc
from dash import html
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State, MATCH, ALL
from math import log10
import numpy as np
from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler
from profit.sur import Surrogate
from matplotlib import cm as colormaps
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex as color2hex

[docs]def init_app(config): from profit import __version__ # delayed to prevent cyclic import external_stylesheets = [""] app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) server = app.server app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = False app.title = f"proFit UI v{__version__}" indata = FileHandler.load(config["files"]["input"]).flatten() outdata = FileHandler.load(config["files"]["output"]).flatten() invars = indata.dtype.names outvars = outdata.dtype.names dd_opts_in = [{"label": invar, "value": invar} for invar in invars] dd_opts_out = [{"label": outvar, "value": outvar} for outvar in outvars] col_width = 400 txt_width = 100 dd_width = 250 log_width = 50 graph_height = 620 txt_check_width = 50 check_txt_width = txt_width - txt_check_width ax_opt_tit_sty = {"width": col_width} ax_opt_txt_sty = {"width": txt_width} ax_opt_log_sty = {"width": log_width} dd_sty = {"width": dd_width} axis_options_div_style = { "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "height": 36, "padding": 1, } fit_opt_txt_sty = {"width": txt_width} headline_sty = {"text-align": "center", "display": "block", "width": col_width - 25} input_div_sty = {"height": 40} input_sty = {"width": 125} col_sty = {"padding-left": 5, "padding-right": 5} col_sty_th = {**col_sty, "text-align": "center"} button_sty = {"padding-left": 15, "padding-right": 15} # try to load model with 'save' and 'fit' config option path = config["fit"]["save"] or config["fit"]["load"] try: sur = Surrogate.load_model(path) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): print("Model could not be loaded") app.layout = html.Div( children=[ html.Table( children=[ html.Tr( children=[ html.Td( id="axis-options", style={"width": "20%"}, children=[ html.Div( dcc.RadioItems( id="graph-type", options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in [ "1D", "2D", "2D contour", "3D", ] ], value="1D", labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ) ), html.Div( id="header-opt", children=[ html.B("Axis options:", style=headline_sty) ], style=ax_opt_tit_sty, ), html.Div( id="invar-1-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("x: ", style=ax_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Dropdown( id="invar", options=dd_opts_in, value=invars[0], style=dd_sty, ), dcc.Checklist( id="invar-1-log", options=[ {"label": "log", "value": "log"} ], style=ax_opt_log_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="invar-2-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("y: ", style=ax_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Dropdown( id="invar_2", options=dd_opts_in, value=invars[1] if len(invars) > 1 else invars[0], style=dd_sty, ), dcc.Checklist( id="invar-2-log", options=[ {"label": "log", "value": "log"} ], style=ax_opt_log_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="invar-3-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("z: ", style=ax_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Dropdown( id="invar_3", options=dd_opts_in, value=invars[2] if len(invars) > 2 else invars[0], style=dd_sty, ), dcc.Checklist( id="invar-3-log", options=[ {"label": "log", "value": "log"} ], style=ax_opt_log_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="outvar-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("output: ", style=ax_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Dropdown( id="outvar", options=dd_opts_out, value=outvars[0], style=dd_sty, ), dcc.Checklist( id="outvar-log", options=[ {"label": "log", "value": "log"} ], style=ax_opt_log_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="color-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B( "color: ", style={"width": txt_check_width}, ), dcc.Checklist( id="color-use", options=[ {"label": "", "value": "true"} ], style={"width": check_txt_width}, value=["true"], ), dcc.Dropdown( id="color-dropdown", options=[ { "label": "OUTPUT", "value": "OUTPUT", } ] + dd_opts_in + dd_opts_out, value="OUTPUT", style=dd_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="error-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B( "error: ", style={"width": txt_check_width}, ), dcc.Checklist( id="error-use", options=[ {"label": "", "value": "true"} ], style={"width": check_txt_width}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id="error-dropdown", options=dd_opts_out, value=outvars[-1], style=dd_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-opt", children=html.B( "Fit options:", style=headline_sty ), style=ax_opt_tit_sty, ), html.Div( id="fit-use-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B( "display fit:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty ), dcc.Checklist( id="fit-use", options=[ {"label": "", "value": "show"} ], labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-multiinput-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("multi-fit:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Dropdown( id="fit-multiinput-dropdown", options=dd_opts_in, value=invars[-1], style=dd_sty, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-number-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("#fits:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Input( id="fit-number", type="number", value=1, min=1, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-conf-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B( "\u03c3-confidence:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty, ), dcc.Input( id="fit-conf", type="number", value=2, min=0, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-noise-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ dcc.Checklist( id="fit-var", options=[ { "label": "add noise covariance", "value": "add", } ], style={"margin-left": txt_width}, ) ], ), html.Div( id="fit-color-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("fit-color:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty), dcc.RadioItems( id="fit-color", options=[ { "label": "output", "value": "output", }, { "label": "multi-fit", "value": "multi-fit", }, { "label": "marker-color", "value": "marker-color", }, ], value="output", labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-opacity-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B( "fit-opacity:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty ), html.Div( style={"width": col_width - txt_width}, children=[ dcc.Slider( id="fit-opacity", min=0, max=1, step=0.1, value=0.5, marks={ i: { "label": f"{100 * i:.0f}%" } for i in [ 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, ] }, ), ], ), ], ), html.Div( id="fit-sampling-div", style=axis_options_div_style, children=[ html.B("#points:", style=fit_opt_txt_sty), dcc.Input( id="fit-sampling", type="number", value=50, min=1, debounce=True, style={"appearance": "textfield"}, ), ], ), ], ), html.Td( id="graph", style={"width": "80%"}, children=[html.Div(dcc.Graph(id="graph1"))], ), ] ) ] ), html.Div( html.Table( id="filters", children=[ html.Tr( [ html.Td( html.Div( [ dcc.Dropdown( id="filter-dropdown", options=dd_opts_in, value=invars[0], style={ "width": 200, "margin-right": 10, }, ), html.Button( "Add Filter", id="add-filter", n_clicks=0, style=button_sty, ), ], style={"display": "flex"}, ), style={**col_sty, "border-bottom-width": 0}, ), html.Td( html.Button( "Clear all Filter", id="clear-all-filter", n_clicks=0, style=button_sty, ), style={**col_sty, "border-bottom-width": 0}, ), html.Td( dcc.Slider( id="scale-slider", min=-0.5, max=0.5, value=0, step=0.01, marks={ i: f"{100*i:.0f}%" for i in [-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5] }, ), style={ **col_sty, "width": 500, "border-bottom-width": 0, }, ), html.Td( html.Button( "Scale Filter span", id="scale", n_clicks=0, style=button_sty, ), style={**col_sty, "border-bottom-width": 0}, ), ] ) ], ) ), html.Div( html.Table( id="param-table", children=[ html.Thead( id="param-table-head", children=[ html.Tr( children=[ html.Th( "Parameter", style={**col_sty, **input_sty} ), html.Th("log", style=col_sty_th), html.Th( "Slider", style={**col_sty_th, "width": 300} ), html.Th("Range (min/max)", style=col_sty_th), html.Th("center/span", style=col_sty_th), html.Th("filter active", style=col_sty_th), html.Th("#digits", style=col_sty_th), html.Th("reset", style=col_sty_th), html.Th("", style=col_sty_th), ] ), ], ), html.Tbody( id="param-table-body", children=[ html.Tr( children=[ html.Td( html.Div(id="param-text-div", children=[]), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div(id="param-log-div", children=[]), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div( id="param-slider-div", children=[] ), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div(id="param-range-div", children=[]), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div( id="param-center-div", children=[] ), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div( id="param-active-div", children=[] ), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div( id="param-digits-div", children=[] ), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div(id="param-reset-div", children=[]), style=col_sty, ), html.Td( html.Div(id="param-clear-div", children=[]), style=col_sty, ), ] ), ], ), ], ) ), ] ) @app.callback( [ Output("param-text-div", "children"), Output("param-log-div", "children"), Output("param-slider-div", "children"), Output("param-range-div", "children"), Output("param-center-div", "children"), Output("param-active-div", "children"), Output("param-digits-div", "children"), Output("param-reset-div", "children"), Output("param-clear-div", "children"), ], [ Input("add-filter", "n_clicks"), Input("clear-all-filter", "n_clicks"), Input({"type": "param-clear", "index": ALL}, "n_clicks"), ], [ State("filter-dropdown", "value"), State("param-text-div", "children"), State("param-log-div", "children"), State("param-slider-div", "children"), State("param-range-div", "children"), State("param-center-div", "children"), State("param-active-div", "children"), State("param-digits-div", "children"), State("param-reset-div", "children"), State("param-clear-div", "children"), ], ) def add_filterrow( n_clicks, clear_all, clear_clicks, filter_dd, text, log, slider, range_div, center_div, active_div, dig_div, reset_div, clear_div, ): ctx = dash.callback_context trigger_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if trigger_id == "clear-all-filter": return [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] elif trigger_id == "add-filter": for i in range(len(text)): if text[i]["props"]["children"][0] == filter_dd: return ( text, log, slider, range_div, center_div, active_div, dig_div, reset_div, clear_div, ) ind = invars.index(filter_dd) txt = filter_dd new_text = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-text", "index": ind}, children=[txt], style={**input_div_sty, **input_sty}, ) new_log = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-log", "index": ind}, style={**input_div_sty, "text-align": "center"}, children=[ dcc.Checklist( id={"type": "param-log", "index": ind}, options=[{"label": "", "value": "log"}], ) ], ) new_slider = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-slider", "index": ind}, style=input_div_sty, children=[create_slider(txt)], ) new_range = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-range", "index": ind}, style=input_div_sty, children=[ dcc.Input( id={"type": "param-range-min", "index": ind}, type="number", debounce=True, style={**input_sty, "appearance": "textfield"}, ), dcc.Input( id={"type": "param-range-max", "index": ind}, type="number", debounce=True, style={**input_sty, "appearance": "textfield"}, ), ], ) new_center = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-center", "index": ind}, style=input_div_sty, children=[ dcc.Input( id={"type": "param-center", "index": ind}, type="number", debounce=True, style={**input_sty, "appearance": "textfield"}, ), dcc.Input( id={"type": "param-span", "index": ind}, type="number", debounce=True, style={**input_sty, "appearance": "textfield"}, ), ], ) new_active = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-active", "index": ind}, style={**input_div_sty, "text-align": "center"}, children=[ dcc.Checklist( id={"type": "param-active", "index": ind}, options=[{"label": "", "value": "act"}], value=["act"], ) ], ) new_dig = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-dig", "index": ind}, children=[ dcc.Input( id={"type": "param-dig", "index": ind}, type="number", value=5, min=0, style={"width": 100}, ) ], style={"height": 40}, ) new_reset = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-reset", "index": ind}, children=[ html.Button( "reset", id={"type": "param-reset", "index": ind}, n_clicks=0, style={"padding-left": 15, "padding-right": 15}, ) ], ) new_clear = html.Div( id={"type": "dyn-clear", "index": ind}, children=[ html.Button( "x", id={"type": "param-clear", "index": ind}, n_clicks=0, style={"border": "none", "padding-left": 5, "padding-right": 5}, ) ], ) text.append(new_text) log.append(new_log) slider.append(new_slider) range_div.append(new_range) center_div.append(new_center) active_div.append(new_active) dig_div.append(new_dig) reset_div.append(new_reset) clear_div.append(new_clear) elif len(trigger_id) >= 1 and trigger_id[0] == "{": for i in range(len(text)): # search table row to delete if int(text[i]["props"]["id"]["index"]) == int( trigger_id.split(",")[0].split(":")[1] ): text.pop(i) log.pop(i) slider.pop(i) range_div.pop(i) center_div.pop(i) active_div.pop(i) dig_div.pop(i) reset_div.pop(i) clear_div.pop(i) break return ( text, log, slider, range_div, center_div, active_div, dig_div, reset_div, clear_div, ) @app.callback( [ Output({"type": "param-range-min", "index": MATCH}, "step"), Output({"type": "param-range-max", "index": MATCH}, "step"), Output({"type": "param-center", "index": MATCH}, "step"), Output({"type": "param-span", "index": MATCH}, "step"), Output({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "step"), ], Input({"type": "param-dig", "index": MATCH}, "value"), ) def update_step(dig): """Function to update an synchronise step-sizes throughout the filter-table. Args: dig (int): Number of digits to be used. Selected by the user via a 'dcc.Input'-layout-element. Returns: step: Step-size for the 4 'dcc.Input'-Elements and the slider step. """ step = 10 ** (-dig) return step, step, step, step, step @app.callback( [ Output({"type": "param-range-min", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Output({"type": "param-range-max", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Output({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Output({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "min"), Output({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "max"), Output({"type": "param-center", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Output({"type": "param-span", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Output({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "marks"), ], [ Input("param-text-div", "children"), Input({"type": "param-log", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-range-min", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-range-max", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-center", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-span", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input("scale", "n_clicks"), Input({"type": "param-dig", "index": MATCH}, "value"), Input({"type": "param-reset", "index": MATCH}, "n_clicks"), ], [ State({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "id"), State("scale-slider", "value"), State({"type": "param-slider", "index": MATCH}, "marks"), ], ) def update_dyn_slider_range( text_div, log_act, dyn_min, dyn_max, slider_val, center, span, scale, dig, reset, id, scale_slider, marks, ): ctx = dash.callback_context try: trigger_id = ( ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split("}")[0].split(",")[1].split(":")[1] ) except IndexError: trigger_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"] mark_lim = [float(i) for i in list(marks.keys())] data_in = indata[invars[id["index"]]] data_min_0 = min(data_in[data_in > 0]) if trigger_id == '"param-log"' and log_act != ["log"]: dyn_min = 10**dyn_min dyn_max = 10**dyn_max slider_val = [10**val for val in slider_val] mark_lim = [10**lim for lim in mark_lim] if min(data_in) < 0 and slider_val[0] > 0: mark_lim[0] = min(data_in) span = (slider_val[1] - slider_val[0]) / 2 center = (slider_val[0] + slider_val[1]) / 2 if trigger_id != '"param-log"' and log_act == ["log"]: dyn_min = 10**dyn_min dyn_max = 10**dyn_max slider_val = [10**val for val in slider_val] mark_lim = [10**lim for lim in mark_lim] if min(data_in) < 0 and slider_val[0] > 0: mark_lim[0] = min(data_in) if trigger_id == '"param-reset"': slider_val = [min(data_in), max(data_in)] if ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"] == "scale.n_clicks": # print('scale') span = span * (1 + scale_slider) if log_act == ["log"]: trigger_id = '"param-span"' else: dyn_min = center - span dyn_max = center + span slider_val = [dyn_min, dyn_max] if ( trigger_id == '"param-center"' or trigger_id == '"param-span"' and (center and span) ): # print('center') if log_act == ["log"]: dyn_min = 10 ** (center - span) dyn_max = 10 ** (center + span) else: dyn_min = center - span dyn_max = center + span slider_val = [dyn_min, dyn_max] elif ( trigger_id == '"param-range-min"' or trigger_id == '"param-range-max"' ) and (dyn_min is not None and dyn_max is not None): # print('range') slider_val = [dyn_min, dyn_max] span = (slider_val[1] - slider_val[0]) / 2 center = (slider_val[0] + slider_val[1]) / 2 elif slider_val: # print('slider') dyn_min = slider_val[0] dyn_max = slider_val[1] span = (slider_val[1] - slider_val[0]) / 2 center = (slider_val[0] + slider_val[1]) / 2 if log_act == ["log"]: # log values try: log_dyn_min = log10(dyn_min) except ValueError: log_dyn_min = log10(data_min_0) log_dyn_max = log10(dyn_max) log_slider_val = [log_dyn_min, log_dyn_max] try: log_mark_lim = [log10(mark) for mark in mark_lim] except ValueError: log_mark_lim = [log10(data_min_0), log10(mark_lim[1])] log_span = (log_slider_val[1] - log_slider_val[0]) / 2 log_center = log_slider_val[0] + log_span log_marks = { log_mark_lim[0]: str(round(log_mark_lim[0], dig)), log_mark_lim[1]: str(round(log_mark_lim[1], dig)), } return ( round(log_dyn_min, dig), round(log_dyn_max, dig), log_slider_val, log_mark_lim[0], log_mark_lim[1], round(log_center, dig), round(log_span, dig), log_marks, ) else: marks = { mark_lim[0]: str(round(mark_lim[0], dig)), mark_lim[1]: str(round(mark_lim[1], dig)), } return ( round(dyn_min, dig), round(dyn_max, dig), slider_val, mark_lim[0], mark_lim[1], round(center, dig), round(span, dig), marks, ) @app.callback( [ Output("invar-2-div", "style"), Output("invar-3-div", "style"), Output("color-div", "style"), Output("error-div", "style"), Output("fit-use-div", "style"), Output("fit-multiinput-div", "style"), Output("fit-number-div", "style"), Output("fit-number", "value"), Output("fit-conf-div", "style"), Output("fit-noise-div", "style"), Output("fit-color-div", "style"), Output("fit-opacity-div", "style"), ], [ Input("graph-type", "value"), ], [ State("fit-number", "value"), ], ) def div_visibility(graph_type, fits): hide = axis_options_div_style.copy() hide["visibility"] = "hidden" show = axis_options_div_style.copy() show["visibility"] = "visible" if graph_type == "1D": return ( hide, hide, show, show, show, show, show, fits, show, show, hide, show, ) if graph_type == "2D": if len(invars) <= 2: return ( show, hide, show, show, show, hide, hide, 1, show, show, show, show, ) else: return ( show, hide, show, show, show, show, show, fits, show, show, show, show, ) if graph_type == "2D contour": return ( show, hide, show, hide, hide, hide, hide, fits, hide, hide, hide, hide, ) if graph_type == "3D": return ( show, show, hide, hide, show, hide, show, fits, hide, hide, hide, show, ) else: return ( show, show, show, show, show, show, show, fits, show, show, show, show, ) @app.callback( Output("graph1", "figure"), [ Input("invar", "value"), Input("invar_2", "value"), Input("invar_3", "value"), Input("outvar", "value"), Input("invar-1-log", "value"), Input("invar-2-log", "value"), Input("invar-3-log", "value"), Input("outvar-log", "value"), Input({"type": "param-slider", "index": ALL}, "value"), Input("graph-type", "value"), Input("color-use", "value"), Input("color-dropdown", "value"), Input("error-use", "value"), Input("error-dropdown", "value"), Input({"type": "param-active", "index": ALL}, "value"), Input("fit-use", "value"), Input("fit-multiinput-dropdown", "value"), Input("fit-number", "value"), Input("fit-conf", "value"), Input("fit-var", "value"), Input("fit-color", "value"), Input("fit-opacity", "value"), Input("fit-sampling", "value"), ], [ State({"type": "param-slider", "index": ALL}, "id"), State({"type": "param-center", "index": ALL}, "value"), State({"type": "param-log", "index": ALL}, "value"), ], ) def update_figure( invar, invar_2, invar_3, outvar, invar1_log, invar2_log, invar3_log, outvar_log, param_slider, graph_type, color_use, color_dd, error_use, error_dd, filter_active, fit_use, fit_dd, fit_num, fit_conf, add_noise_var, fit_color, fit_opacity, fit_sampling, id_type, param_center, param_log, ): for i in range(len(param_slider)): if param_log[i] == ["log"]: param_slider[i] = [10**val for val in param_slider[i]] param_center[i] = 10 ** param_center[i] if invar is None: return go.Figure() sel_y = np.full((len(outdata),), True) dds_value = [] for iteration, values in enumerate(param_slider): dds_value.append(invars[id_type[iteration]["index"]]) # filter for minimum sel_y_min = np.array( indata[dds_value[iteration]] >= param_slider[iteration][0] ) # filter for maximum sel_y_max = np.array( indata[dds_value[iteration]] <= param_slider[iteration][1] ) # print('iter ', iteration, 'filer', filter_active[iteration][0]) if filter_active != [[]]: if filter_active[iteration] == ["act"]: sel_y = sel_y_min & sel_y_max & sel_y if graph_type == "1D": fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Scatter( x=indata[invar][sel_y], y=outdata[outvar][sel_y], mode="markers", name="data", error_y=dict( type="data", array=outdata[error_dd][sel_y], visible=error_use == ["true"], ), # text=[(invar, outvar) for i in range(len(indata[invar][sel_y]))], # hovertemplate=" %{text} <br> %{x} <br> %{y}", ) ], layout=go.Layout( xaxis=dict(title=invar, rangeslider=dict(visible=True)), yaxis=dict(title=outvar), ), ) if fit_use == ["show"]: mesh_in, mesh_out, mesh_out_std, fit_dd_values = mesh_fit( param_slider, id_type, fit_dd, fit_num, param_center, [invar], [invar1_log], outvar, fit_sampling, add_noise_var, ) for i in range(len(fit_dd_values)): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)], y=mesh_out[i], mode="lines", name=f"fit: {fit_dd}={fit_dd_values[i]:.1e}", line_color=colormap( indata[fit_dd].min(), indata[fit_dd].max(), fit_dd_values[i], ), marker_line=dict(coloraxis="coloraxis2"), ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.hstack( ( mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)], mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)][::-1], ) ), y=np.hstack( ( mesh_out[i] + fit_conf * mesh_out_std[i], mesh_out[i][::-1] - fit_conf * mesh_out_std[i][::-1], ) ), showlegend=False, fill="toself", line_color=colormap( indata[fit_dd].min(), indata[fit_dd].max(), fit_dd_values[i], ), marker_line=dict(coloraxis="coloraxis2"), opacity=fit_opacity, ) ) elif graph_type == "2D": fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Scatter3d( x=indata[invar][sel_y], y=indata[invar_2][sel_y], z=outdata[outvar][sel_y], mode="markers", name="Data", error_z=dict( type="data", array=outdata[error_dd][sel_y], visible=error_use == ["true"], width=10, ), ) ], layout=go.Layout( scene=dict( xaxis_title=invar, yaxis_title=invar_2, zaxis_title=outvar ) ), ) if fit_use == ["show"] and invar != invar_2: mesh_in, mesh_out, mesh_out_std, fit_dd_values = mesh_fit( param_slider, id_type, fit_dd, fit_num, param_center, [invar, invar_2], [invar1_log, invar2_log], outvar, fit_sampling, add_noise_var, ) for i in range(len(fit_dd_values)): fig.add_trace( go.Surface( x=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), y=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar_2)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), z=mesh_out[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)), name=f"fit: {fit_dd}={fit_dd_values[i]:.2f}", surfacecolor=fit_dd_values[i] * np.ones([fit_sampling, fit_sampling]) if fit_color == "multi-fit" else ( mesh_in[i][invars.index(color_dd)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ) if (fit_color == "marker-color" and color_dd in invars) else mesh_out[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)) ), opacity=fit_opacity, coloraxis="coloraxis2" if ( fit_color == "multi-fit" or ( fit_color == "output" and (color_dd != outvar and color_dd != "OUTPUT") ) ) else "coloraxis", showlegend=True if len(invars) > 2 else False, ) ) if fit_conf > 0: fig.add_trace( go.Surface( x=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), y=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar_2)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), z=mesh_out[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)) + fit_conf * mesh_out_std[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)), showlegend=False, name=f"fit+v: {fit_dd}={fit_dd_values[i]:.2f}", surfacecolor=fit_dd_values[i] * np.ones([fit_sampling, fit_sampling]) if fit_color == "multi-fit" else ( mesh_in[i][invars.index(color_dd)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ) if ( fit_color == "marker-color" and color_dd in invars ) else mesh_out[i].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ) ), opacity=fit_opacity, coloraxis="coloraxis2" if ( fit_color == "multi-fit" or ( fit_color == "output" and ( color_dd != outvar and color_dd != "OUTPUT" ) ) ) else "coloraxis", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Surface( x=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), y=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar_2)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ), z=mesh_out[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)) - fit_conf * mesh_out_std[i].reshape((fit_sampling, fit_sampling)), showlegend=False, name=f"fit-v: {fit_dd}={fit_dd_values[i]:.2f}", surfacecolor=fit_dd_values[i] * np.ones([fit_sampling, fit_sampling]) if fit_color == "multi-fit" else ( mesh_in[i][invars.index(color_dd)].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ) if ( fit_color == "marker-color" and color_dd in invars ) else mesh_out[i].reshape( (fit_sampling, fit_sampling) ) ), opacity=fit_opacity, coloraxis="coloraxis2" if ( fit_color == "multi-fit" or ( fit_color == "output" and ( color_dd != outvar and color_dd != "OUTPUT" ) ) ) else "coloraxis", ) ) fig.update_layout( coloraxis2=dict( colorbar=dict( title=outvar if fit_color == "output" else fit_dd ), cmin=min(fit_dd_values) if fit_color == "multi-fit" else None, cmax=max(fit_dd_values) if fit_color == "multi-fit" else None, ) ) elif graph_type == "2D contour": mesh_in, mesh_out, mesh_out_std, fit_dd_values = mesh_fit( param_slider, id_type, fit_dd, fit_num, param_center, [invar, invar_2], [invar1_log, invar2_log], outvar, fit_sampling, add_noise_var, ) data_x = mesh_in[0][invars.index(invar)] data_y = mesh_in[0][invars.index(invar_2)] fig = go.Figure() if min(data_x) != max(data_x): if min(data_y) != max(data_y): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=indata[invar][sel_y], y=indata[invar_2][sel_y], mode="markers", name="Data", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Contour( x=mesh_in[0][invars.index(invar)], y=mesh_in[0][invars.index(invar_2)], z=mesh_out[0], contours_coloring="heatmap", contours_showlabels=True, coloraxis="coloraxis2", name="fit", ) ) fig.update_xaxes( range=[ log10(min([1]["x"])), log10(max([1]["x"])), ] if invar1_log == ["log"] else [min([1]["x"]), max([1]["x"])] ) fig.update_yaxes( range=[ log10(min([1]["y"])), log10(max([1]["y"])), ] if invar2_log == ["log"] else [min([1]["y"]), max([1]["y"])] ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title=invar, yaxis_title=invar_2, coloraxis2=dict( colorbar=dict(title=outvar), colorscale="solar", cmin=min([1]["z"]), cmax=max([1]["z"]), ), ) else: fig.update_layout( title="y-data is constant, no contour-plot possible" ) else: fig.update_layout(title="x-data is constant, no contour-plot possible") elif graph_type == "3D": fig = go.Figure( data=go.Scatter3d( x=indata[invar][sel_y], y=indata[invar_2][sel_y], z=indata[invar_3][sel_y], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=outdata[outvar][sel_y], coloraxis="coloraxis2", ), name="Data", ), layout=go.Layout( scene=dict( xaxis_title=invar, yaxis_title=invar_2, zaxis_title=invar_3 ) ), ) fig.update_layout( coloraxis2=dict( colorbar=dict(title=outvar), ) ) if fit_use == ["show"] and len({invar, invar_2, invar_3}) == 3: mesh_in, mesh_out, mesh_out_std, fit_dd_values = mesh_fit( param_slider, id_type, fit_dd, fit_num, param_center, [invar, invar_2, invar_3], [invar1_log, invar2_log, invar3_log], outvar, fit_sampling, add_noise_var, ) for i in range(len(fit_dd_values)): fig.add_trace( go.Isosurface( x=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar)], y=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar_2)], z=mesh_in[i][invars.index(invar_3)], value=mesh_out[i], surface_count=fit_num, coloraxis="coloraxis2", isomin=mesh_out[i].min() * 1.1, isomax=mesh_out[i].max() * 0.9, caps=dict(x_show=False, y_show=False, z_show=False), opacity=fit_opacity, ), ) else: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout(legend=dict(xanchor="left", x=0.01)) # log scale log_dict = { "1D": (invar1_log, outvar_log), "2D": (invar1_log, invar2_log, outvar_log), "2D contour": (invar1_log, invar2_log), "3D": (invar1_log, invar2_log, invar3_log), } log_list = [ "linear" if log is None or len(log) == 0 else log[0] for log in log_dict[graph_type] ] log_key = ["xaxis", "yaxis", "zaxis"] comb_dict = dict(zip(log_key, [{"type": log} for log in log_list])) if len(log_list) < 3: fig.update_layout(**comb_dict) else: fig.update_scenes(**comb_dict) # color if color_use == ["true"]: if fit_use == ["show"] and ( graph_type == "2D" and (fit_color == "multi-fit" and color_dd == fit_dd) ): fig.update_traces( marker=dict( coloraxis="coloraxis2", color=indata[color_dd][sel_y] if color_dd in indata.dtype.names else outdata[color_dd][sel_y], ), selector=dict(mode="markers"), ) elif graph_type == "3D": fig.update_traces( marker=dict( coloraxis="coloraxis2", color=outdata[outvar][sel_y], ), selector=dict(mode="markers"), ) elif graph_type == "1D": fig.update_traces( marker=dict( coloraxis="coloraxis2", color=outdata[outvar][sel_y] if color_dd == "OUTPUT" else ( indata[color_dd][sel_y] if color_dd in indata.dtype.names else outdata[color_dd][sel_y] ), ), selector=dict(mode="markers"), ) if color_dd == fit_dd: fig.update_layout( coloraxis2=dict( colorscale="cividis", colorbar=dict(title=fit_dd) ) ) elif color_dd == "OUTPUT": fig.update_layout( coloraxis2=dict( colorscale="plasma", colorbar=dict(title=outvar) ) ) else: fig.update_layout( coloraxis2=dict( colorscale="plasma", colorbar=dict(title=color_dd) ) ) elif graph_type == "2D contour": fig.update_traces( marker=dict( coloraxis="coloraxis", color=outdata[outvar][sel_y] if color_dd == "OUTPUT" else ( indata[color_dd][sel_y] if color_dd in indata.dtype.names else outdata[color_dd][sel_y] ), ), selector=dict(mode="markers"), ) if color_dd == outvar or color_dd == "OUTPUT": fig.update_traces( marker_coloraxis="coloraxis2", selector=dict(mode="markers") ) else: fig.update_layout( coloraxis=dict( colorbar=dict(title=color_dd, x=1.1), colorscale="ice" ) ) else: fig.update_traces( marker=dict( coloraxis="coloraxis", color=outdata[outvar][sel_y] if color_dd == "OUTPUT" else ( indata[color_dd][sel_y] if color_dd in indata.dtype.names else outdata[color_dd][sel_y] ), ), selector=dict(mode="markers"), ) fig.update_layout( coloraxis=dict( colorbar=dict( title=outvar if color_dd == "OUTPUT" else color_dd, x=1.1 ), colorscale="viridis", ) ) fig.update_layout(height=graph_height) return fig def mesh_fit( param_slider, id_type, fit_dd, fit_num, param_center, invar_list, invar_log_list, outvar, num_samples, add_noise_var, ): try: # collecting min/max of slider for variable of multifit fit_dd_min, fit_dd_max = param_slider[ [i["index"] for i in id_type].index(invars.index(fit_dd)) ] except ValueError: fit_dd_min = min(indata[fit_dd]) fit_dd_max = max(indata[fit_dd]) if fit_num == 1: # generate list of value of variable of multifit fit_dd_values = np.array([(fit_dd_max + fit_dd_min) / 2]) else: fit_dd_values = np.linspace(fit_dd_min, fit_dd_max, fit_num) for iteration, fit_dd_value in enumerate( fit_dd_values ): # iteration for each fit # set fit parameter for all invars as center of range fit_params = [ (max(indata[var_invar]) + min(indata[var_invar])) / 2 for var_invar in invars ] # for all invars with filter change fit_param to center defined by filter flt_ind_list = [] # list of filter indices for i, center_values in enumerate(param_center): flt_ind_list.append(id_type[i]["index"]) fit_params[flt_ind_list[i]] = center_values # change param of fit-variable fit_params[invars.index(fit_dd)] = fit_dd_value # change param for axis invars for i, ax_in in enumerate(invar_list): if invars.index(ax_in) in flt_ind_list: ax_min, ax_max = param_slider[ flt_ind_list.index(invars.index(ax_in)) ] else: ax_min = min(indata[ax_in]) ax_max = max(indata[ax_in]) if invar_log_list[i] == ["log"]: fit_params[invars.index(ax_in)] = np.logspace( log10(ax_min), log10(ax_max), num_samples ) else: fit_params[invars.index(ax_in)] = np.linspace( ax_min, ax_max, num_samples ) grid = np.meshgrid(*fit_params) # generate grid x_pred = np.vstack( [g.flatten() for g in grid] ).T # extract vector for predict fit_data, fit_var = sur.predict( x_pred, add_noise_var == ["add"] ) # generate fit data and variance # generated data new_mesh_in = np.array( [[grid[invars.index(invar)].flatten() for invar in invars]] ) new_mesh_out = np.array([fit_data[:, outvars.index(outvar)]]) new_mesh_out_std = np.array([np.sqrt(fit_var[:, 0])]) # stack data together if iteration == 0: mesh_in = new_mesh_in mesh_out = new_mesh_out mesh_out_std = new_mesh_out_std else: mesh_in = np.vstack((mesh_in, new_mesh_in)) mesh_out = np.vstack((mesh_out, new_mesh_out)) mesh_out_std = np.vstack((mesh_out_std, new_mesh_out_std)) return mesh_in, mesh_out, mesh_out_std, fit_dd_values def create_slider(dd_value): ind = invars.index(dd_value) slider_min = indata[dd_value].min() slider_max = indata[dd_value].max() step_exponent = -3 new_slider = dcc.RangeSlider( id={"type": "param-slider", "index": ind}, step=10**step_exponent, min=slider_min, max=slider_max, value=[slider_min, slider_max], marks={ slider_min: str(round(slider_min, -step_exponent)), slider_max: str(round(slider_max, -step_exponent)), }, ) return new_slider def colormap(cmin, cmax, c): if cmin == cmax: c_scal = 0.5 else: c_scal = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) return color2hex(colormaps.cividis(c_scal)) return app