Source code for

import numpy as np
from profit.sur import Surrogate
from import GaussianProcess
from profit.defaults import fit_gaussian_process as defaults, fit as base_defaults

[docs]@Surrogate.register("Custom") class GPSurrogate(GaussianProcess): """Custom GP model made from scratch. Supports custom Python and Fortran kernels with analytic derivatives and advanced Active Learning. Attributes: hess_inv (ndarray): Inverse Hessian matrix which is required for active learning. It is calculated during the hyperparameter optimization. """ from .backend import gp_functions def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hess_inv = None @property def Ky(self): """Full training covariance matrix as defined in the kernel including data noise as specified in the hyperparameters. """ return self.kernel(self.Xtrain, self.Xtrain, **self.hyperparameters) @property def alpha(self): r"""Convenient matrix-vector product of the inverse training matrix and the training output data. The equation is solved either exactly or with a least squares approximation. $$ \begin{equation} \alpha = K_y^{-1} y_{train} \end{equation} $$ """ try: return np.linalg.solve(self.Ky, self.ytrain) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return np.linalg.lstsq(self.Ky, self.ytrain, rcond=1e-15)[0]
[docs] def train( self, X, y, kernel=defaults["kernel"], hyperparameters=defaults["hyperparameters"], fixed_sigma_n=base_defaults["fixed_sigma_n"], eval_gradient=True, return_hess_inv=False, ): """After initializing the model with a kernel function and initial hyperparameters, it can be trained on input data X and observed output data y by optimizing the model's hyperparameters. This is done by minimizing the negative log likelihood. Parameters: X (ndarray): (n, D) array of input training data. y (ndarray): (n, 1) array of training output. Currently, only scalar output is supported. kernel (str/object): Identifier of kernel like 'RBF' or directly the kernel object of the specific surrogate. hyperparameters (dict): Hyperparameters such as length_scale, variance and noise. Taken either from given parameter, config file or inferred from the training data. The hyperparameters can be different depending on the kernel. E.g. The length_scale can be a scalar, a vector of the size of the training data, or for the custom LinearEmbedding kernel a matrix. fixed_sigma_n (bool): Indicates if the data noise should be optimized or not. eval_gradient (bool): Whether the gradients of the kernel and negative log likelihood are explicitly used in the scipy optimization or numerically calculated inside scipy. return_hess_inv (bool): Whether to the attribute hess_inv after optimization. This is important for active learning. """ self.pre_train(X, y, kernel, hyperparameters, fixed_sigma_n) if self.input_encoders or self.output_encoders: print( "For now, encoding is not supported for this surrogate. The model is created without encoding." ) self.decode_training_data() # Find best hyperparameters self.optimize( fixed_sigma_n=self.fixed_sigma_n, eval_gradient=eval_gradient, return_hess_inv=return_hess_inv, ) self.post_train()
[docs] def post_train(self): self.trained = True
[docs] def predict(self, Xpred, add_data_variance=True): Xpred = super().pre_predict(Xpred) # Encoding is not supported yet for this surrogate. for enc in self.input_encoders[::-1]: Xpred = enc.decode(Xpred) # Skip data noise sigma_n in hyperparameters prediction_hyperparameters = { key: value for key, value in self.hyperparameters.items() if key != "sigma_n" } # Calculate conditional mean and covariance functions Kstar = self.kernel(self.Xtrain, Xpred, **prediction_hyperparameters) Kstarstar_diag = np.diag( self.kernel(Xpred, Xpred, **prediction_hyperparameters) ) fstar = Kstar.T @ self.alpha vstar = Kstarstar_diag - np.diag( (Kstar.T @ (self.gp_functions.invert(self.Ky) @ Kstar)) ) vstar = np.maximum(vstar, 1e-10) # Assure a positive variance if add_data_variance: vstar = vstar + self.hyperparameters["sigma_n"] ** 2 return fstar, vstar.reshape(-1, 1) # Return predictive mean and variance
[docs] def add_training_data(self, X, y): """Add training points to existing data. This is important for active learning. Only the training dataset is updated, but the hyperparameters are not optimized yet. Parameters: X (ndarray): Input points to add. y (ndarray): Observed output to add. """ # TODO: Update Ky by applying the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula? self.Xtrain = np.concatenate([self.Xtrain, X], axis=0) self.ytrain = np.concatenate([self.ytrain, y], axis=0)
[docs] def set_ytrain(self, ydata): """Set the observed training outputs. This is important for active learning. Parameters: ydata (np.array): Full training output data. """ self.ytrain = np.atleast_2d(ydata.copy())
[docs] def get_marginal_variance(self, Xpred): from .backend.gp_functions import marginal_variance_BBQ self.optimize( fixed_sigma_n=self.fixed_sigma_n, eval_gradient=True, return_hess_inv=True ) assert self.hess_inv is not None _, fvar = self.predict(Xpred) return marginal_variance_BBQ( self.Xtrain, self.ytrain, Xpred, self.kernel, self.hyperparameters, self.hess_inv, self.fixed_sigma_n, alpha=self.alpha, predictive_variance=fvar, )
[docs] def save_model(self, path): """Saves the model as dict to a .hdf5 file. Parameters: path (str): Path including the file name, where the model should be saved. """ from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler saved_attrs = ( "trained", "fixed_sigma_n", "Xtrain", "ytrain", "ndim", "kernel", "hyperparameters", ) save_dict = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in saved_attrs} # Convert the kernel class object to a string, to be able to save it in the .hdf5 file if not isinstance(save_dict["kernel"], str): save_dict["kernel"] = self.kernel.__name__, save_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def load_model(cls, path): """Loads a saved model from a .hdf5 file and updates its attributes. Parameters: path (str): Path including the file name, from where the model should be loaded. Returns: profit.sur.gaussian_process.GPSurrogate: Instantiated surrogate model. """ from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler sur_dict = FileHandler.load(path, as_type="dict") self = cls() for attr, value in sur_dict.items(): setattr(self, attr, value) # Convert the kernel string back to the class object self.kernel = self.select_kernel(self.kernel) self.print_hyperparameters("Loaded") return self
[docs] def select_kernel(self, kernel): """Convert the name of the kernel as string to the kernel class object of the surrogate. First search the kernels implemented in python, then the Fortran kernels. Parameters: kernel (str): Kernel string such as 'RBF'. Only single kernels are supported currently. Returns: object: Kernel object of the class. This is the function which builds the kernel and not the calculated covariance matrix. """ # TODO: Rewrite fortran kernels and rename them to be explicit, like 'fRBF' try: from .backend import kernels as fortran_kernels except: pass from .backend import python_kernels try: return getattr(python_kernels, kernel) except AttributeError: try: return getattr(fortran_kernels, kernel) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError(f"Kernel {kernel} not implemented.")
[docs] def optimize( self, fixed_sigma_n=base_defaults["fixed_sigma_n"], eval_gradient=False, return_hess_inv=False, ): r"""Optimize the hyperparameters length_scale $l$, scale $\sigma_f$ and noise $\sigma_n$. As a backend, the scipy minimize optimizer is used. Parameters: fixed_sigma_n (bool): Indication if the data noise should also be optimized or not. eval_gradient (bool): Flag if the gradients of the kernel and negative log likelihood should be used explicitly or numerically calculated inside the optimizer. return_hess_inv (bool): Whether to set the inverse Hessian attribute hess_inv which is used to calculate the marginal variance in active learning. """ ordered_hyp_keys = ("length_scale", "sigma_f", "sigma_n") a0 = np.concatenate([self.hyperparameters[key] for key in ordered_hyp_keys]) opt_hyperparameters = self.gp_functions.optimize( self.Xtrain, self.ytrain, a0, self.kernel, fixed_sigma_n=self.fixed_sigma_n or fixed_sigma_n, eval_gradient=eval_gradient, return_hess_inv=return_hess_inv, ) if return_hess_inv: self.hess_inv = opt_hyperparameters[1] opt_hyperparameters = opt_hyperparameters[0] self._set_hyperparameters_from_model(opt_hyperparameters) self.print_hyperparameters("Optimized")
[docs] def _set_hyperparameters_from_model(self, model_hyperparameters): # Set optimized hyperparameters last_idx = -1 if self.fixed_sigma_n else -2 self.hyperparameters["length_scale"] = np.atleast_1d( model_hyperparameters[:last_idx] ) self.hyperparameters["sigma_f"] = np.atleast_1d(model_hyperparameters[last_idx]) if not self.fixed_sigma_n: self.hyperparameters["sigma_n"] = np.atleast_1d(model_hyperparameters[-1])
[docs]@Surrogate.register("CustomMultiOutputGP") class MultiOutputGPSurrogate(GaussianProcess): def __init__(self, child=GPSurrogate): super().__init__() self.child = child self.models = []
[docs] def train( self, X, y, kernel=defaults["kernel"], hyperparameters=defaults["hyperparameters"], fixed_sigma_n=base_defaults["fixed_sigma_n"], return_hess_inv=False, ): self.pre_train(X, y) self.models = [self.child() for _ in range(self.output_ndim)] for dim, m in enumerate(self.models): m.train( self.Xtrain, self.ytrain[:, [dim]], self.kernel, self.hyperparameters, self.fixed_sigma_n, False, return_hess_inv, ) self._set_hyperparameters_from_model() self.post_train()
[docs] def _set_hyperparameters_from_model(self): for m in self.models: for k, v in m.hyperparameters.items(): self.hyperparameters[k] = np.concatenate([self.hyperparameters[k], v]) self.hyperparameters["length_scale"] = np.atleast_1d( np.linalg.norm(self.hyperparameters["length_scale"]) ) self.hyperparameters["sigma_f"] = np.atleast_1d( np.max(self.hyperparameters["sigma_f"]) ) self.hyperparameters["sigma_n"] = np.atleast_1d( np.max(self.hyperparameters["sigma_n"]) ) self.decode_hyperparameters()
[docs] def predict(self, Xpred, add_data_variance=True): Xpred = self.pre_predict(Xpred) ypred = np.empty((Xpred.shape[0], self.output_ndim)) yvar = np.empty_like(ypred) for dim, m in enumerate(self.models): ypred[:, [dim]], yvar[:, [dim]] = m.predict(Xpred, add_data_variance) ypred, yvar = self.decode_predict_data(ypred, yvar) return ypred, yvar
[docs] def add_training_data(self, X, y): start = self.Xtrain.shape[0] self.Xtrain, self.ytrain = np.concatenate( [self.Xtrain, X], axis=0 ), np.concatenate([self.ytrain, y], axis=0) self.encode_training_data() for dim, m in enumerate(self.models): m.add_training_data(self.Xtrain[start:], self.ytrain[start:, [dim]]) self.decode_training_data()
[docs] def set_ytrain(self, y): for dim, m in enumerate(self.models): m.set_ytrain(y[:, [dim]]) self.ytrain = np.atleast_2d(y.copy())
[docs] def save_model(self, path): """Saves the model as dict to a .hdf5 file. Parameters: path (str): Path including the file name, where the model should be saved. """ from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler save_dict = { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in ( "Xtrain", "ytrain", "trained", "output_ndim", "hyperparameters", ) } save_dict["input_encoders"] = str([enc.repr for enc in self.input_encoders]) save_dict["output_encoders"] = str([enc.repr for enc in self.output_encoders]) for i, m in enumerate(self.models): save_dict[i] = { attr: getattr(m, attr) for attr in ( "trained", "fixed_sigma_n", "Xtrain", "ytrain", "ndim", "output_ndim", "kernel", "hyperparameters", ) } # Convert the kernel class object to a string, to be able to save it in the .hdf5 file if not isinstance(save_dict[i]["kernel"], str): save_dict[i]["kernel"] = m.kernel.__name__, save_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def load_model(cls, path): from profit.util.file_handler import FileHandler from profit.sur.encoders import Encoder from numpy import array # needed for eval of arrays load_dict = FileHandler.load(path, as_type="dict") self = cls() self.trained = load_dict["trained"] self.output_ndim = load_dict["output_ndim"] self.Xtrain, self.ytrain = load_dict["Xtrain"], load_dict["ytrain"] self.hyperparameters = load_dict["hyperparameters"] for enc in eval(load_dict["input_encoders"]): self.add_input_encoder( Encoder[enc["class"]](enc["columns"], enc["parameters"]) ) for enc in eval(load_dict["output_encoders"]): self.add_output_encoder( Encoder[enc["class"]](enc["columns"], enc["parameters"]) ) # Initialize the encoder by encoding and decoding the training data once. self.encode_training_data() self.decode_training_data() self.models = [self.child() for _ in range(self.output_ndim)] for i, m in enumerate(self.models): for attr, value in load_dict[str(i)].items(): setattr(m, attr, value) # Convert the kernel string back to the class object m.kernel = m.select_kernel(m.kernel) m.print_hyperparameters("Loaded") return self
[docs] def optimize(self, **opt_kwargs): for m in self.models: m.optimize(**opt_kwargs)
[docs] def special_hyperparameter_decoding(self, key, value): if len(value) > 1: return ( np.atleast_1d(np.linalg.norm(value)) if key == "length_scale" else np.atleast_1d(np.max(value)) ) return value
[docs] def get_marginal_variance(self, Xpred): Xpred = self.encode_predict_data(Xpred) v = np.zeros((Xpred.shape[0], 1)) for m in self.models: v += m.get_marginal_variance(Xpred) return v