Source code for

""" Command Worker

The default Worker to run an executable simulation.
The Preprocessor allows for a customized preparation of the environment for the simulation.
The output of the simulation is retrieved by a Postprocessor.

 * CommandWorker: run an executable simulation
 * Preprocessor: new Component to prepare the environment for the simulation
   * TemplatePreprocessor: fill a directory according to a template directory
 * Postprocessor: new Component to retrieve the simulation output
   * JSONPostprocessor: read a simple JSON
   * NumpytxtPostprocessor: read a CSV/TSV (using numpy)
   * HDF5Postprocessor: read a simple HDF5

import os
import shutil
from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping
from abc import abstractmethod
import logging
import functools
import numpy as np
import time
import subprocess

from .worker import Component, Worker, Interface

# === Command Worker === #

[docs]class CommandWorker(Worker, label="command"): def __init__( self, run_id: int, *, pre="template", post="numpytxt", command="./simulation", stdout="stdout", stderr=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(run_id, **kwargs) self.run_dir = f"run_{run_id:03d}" if isinstance(pre, str): self.pre = Preprocessor[pre](self.run_dir, logger_parent=self.logger) elif isinstance(pre, Mapping): self.pre = Preprocessor[pre["class"]]( self.run_dir, **{key: value for key, value in pre.items() if key != "class"}, logger_parent=self.logger, ) else: self.pre = pre if isinstance(post, str): = Postprocessor[post](logger_parent=self.logger) elif isinstance(post, Mapping): = Postprocessor[post["class"]]( **{key: value for key, value in post.items() if key != "class"}, logger_parent=self.logger, ) else: = post self.command = command self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr
[docs] def work(self): self.interface.retrieve() self.pre.prepare(self.interface.input) kwargs = {} if self.stdout is not None: kwargs["stdout"] = open(self.stdout, "w") if self.stderr is not None: kwargs["stderr"] = open(self.stderr, "w")"run `{self.command}` {kwargs}") timestamp = time.time() process =, shell=True, text=True, **kwargs) duration = int(time.time() - timestamp) if process.returncode != 0: self.logger.warning(f"return code {process.returncode}")"finished after {duration} s") self.interface.time = duration self.interface.transmit()
# === Preprocessor Component === #
[docs]class Preprocessor(Component): def __init__(self, run_dir: str, *, clean=True, logger_parent=None): self.run_dir = run_dir self.clean = clean self.logger = logging.getLogger("Preprocessor") if logger_parent is not None: self.logger.parent = logger_parent self.return_dir = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def prepare(self, data: Mapping): if os.path.exists(self.run_dir): self.logger.warning( f"run directory '{self.run_dir}' already exists, deactivating clean" ) self.clean = False else: os.mkdir(self.run_dir) self.return_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.run_dir)
[docs] def post(self): if self.return_dir is None: return # nothing to do os.chdir(self.return_dir) if self.clean: shutil.rmtree(self.run_dir)
[docs] @classmethod def wrap(cls, label, config={}): def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func, updated={}) class WrappedPreprocessor(cls, label=label): def __init__( self, run_dir, *, clean=True, logger_parent: logging.Logger = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( run_dir, clean=clean, logger_parent=logger_parent, ) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in config: raise TypeError( f"{func.__name__}.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '{key}'" ) kwargs = { **config, **kwargs, } # super().config | config in python3.9 for key, value in kwargs.items(): # save arbitrary arguments self.__setattr__(key, value) def prepare(self, data, run_dir): return func(self, data, run_dir) return WrappedPreprocessor return decorator
# --- Template Preprocessor --- #
[docs]class TemplatePreprocessor(Preprocessor, label="template"): """Preprocessor which substitutes the variables with a given template - copies the given template directory to the target run directory - searches all files for variables templates of the form {name} and replaces them with their values - for file formats which use curly braces (e.g. json) the template identifier is {{name}} - substitution can be restricted to certain files by specifying `param_files`, `None` means no restriction - relative symbolic links are converted to absolute symbolic links on copying - linked files are ignored with `param_files = None`, but if specified explicitly the link target is copied to the run directory and then substituted """ def __init__( self, run_dir: str, *, clean=True, path="template", param_files=None, logger_parent=None, ): super().__init__(run_dir=run_dir, clean=clean, logger_parent=logger_parent) self.path = path if isinstance(param_files, str): self.param_files = [param_files] else: self.param_files = param_files @property def template_path(self): return os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROFIT_BASE_DIR", "."), self.path)
[docs] def prepare(self, data: Mapping): # No call to super()! overrides the default directory creation if os.path.exists(self.run_dir): self.logger.error(f"run directory '{self.run_dir}' already exists") raise OSError(f"run directory '{self.run_dir}' already exists") self.fill_run_dir_single( data, self.template_path, self.run_dir, ignore_path_exists=True, param_files=self.param_files, ) self.return_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.run_dir)
[docs] def fill_run_dir_single( self, params, template_dir, run_dir_single, param_files=None, overwrite=False, ignore_path_exists=False, ): if ( os.path.exists(run_dir_single) and not ignore_path_exists ): # ToDo: make ignore_path_exists default if overwrite: rmtree(run_dir_single) else: raise RuntimeError("Run directory not empty: {}".format(run_dir_single)) self.copy_template(template_dir, run_dir_single) self.fill_template(run_dir_single, params, param_files=param_files)
[docs] @classmethod def copy_template(cls, template_dir, out_dir, dont_copy=None): from shutil import copytree, ignore_patterns if dont_copy: copytree( template_dir, out_dir, symlinks=True, ignore=ignore_patterns(*dont_copy) ) else: copytree(template_dir, out_dir, symlinks=True) cls.convert_relative_symlinks(template_dir, out_dir)
[docs] def fill_template(self, out_dir, params, param_files=None): """ Arguments: param_files(list): a list of filenames which are to be substituted or None for all """ if param_files is None: param_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk( out_dir ): # by default, walk ignores subdirectories which are links for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) if ( not param_files and not os.path.islink(filepath) ) or filename in param_files: self.logger.debug(f"fill {filepath} with {params}") self.fill_template_file(filepath, filepath, params) else: self.logger.debug(f"ignore {filepath}")
[docs] @classmethod def fill_template_file( cls, template_filepath, output_filepath, params, copy_link=True ): """Fill template in `template_filepath` by `params` and output into `output_filepath`. If `copy_link` is set (default), do not write into symbolic links but copy them instead. """ with open(template_filepath, "r") as f: content = cls.replace_template(, params) if copy_link and os.path.islink(output_filepath): os.remove(output_filepath) # otherwise the link target would be substituted with open(output_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_template(content, params): """Returns filled template by putting values of `params` in `content`. # Escape '{*}' for e.g. json templates by replacing it with '{{*}}'. # Variables then have to be declared as '{{*}}' which is replaced by a single '{*}'. """ from profit.util import SafeDict pre, post = "{", "}" if "{{" in content: content = ( content.replace("{{", "§") .replace("}}", "§§") .replace("{", "{{") .replace("}", "}}") .replace("§§", "}") .replace("§", "{") ) pre, post = "{{", "}}" return content.format_map(SafeDict.from_params(params, pre=pre, post=post))
# === Postprocessor Component === #
[docs]class Postprocessor(Component): def __init__(self, *, logger_parent: logging.Logger = None): self.logger = logging.getLogger("Postprocessor") if logger_parent is not None: self.logger.parent = logger_parent
[docs] @abstractmethod def retrieve(self, data: MutableMapping): pass
[docs] @classmethod def wrap(cls, label, config={}): def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func, updated={}) class WrappedPostprocessor(cls, label=label): def __init__(self, *, logger_parent: logging.Logger = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(logger_parent=logger_parent) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in config: raise TypeError( f"{func.__name__}.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '{key}'" ) kwargs = { **config, **kwargs, } # super().config | config in python3.9 for key, value in kwargs.items(): # save arbitrary arguments self.__setattr__(key, value) def retrieve(self, data): func(self, data)"retrieved {data}") return WrappedPostprocessor return decorator
# --- JSON Postprocessor --- #
[docs]@Postprocessor.wrap("json", config=dict(path="stdout")) def JSONPostprocessor(self, data): """Postprocessor to read output from a JSON file - variables are assumed to be stored with the correct key and able to be converted immediately - not extensively tested """ import json with open(self.path) as f: output = json.load(f) for key, value in output.items(): if key in data.dtype.names: data[key] = value
# --- Numpy Text Postprocessor --- #
[docs]@Postprocessor.wrap( "numpytxt", config=dict(path="stdout", names=None, options=dict(deletechars="")) ) def NumpytxtPostprocessor(self, data): """Postprocessor to read output from a tabular text file (e.g. csv, tsv) with numpy ``genfromtxt`` - the data is assumed to be row oriented - vector variables are spread across the row and have to be in the right order, only the name of the variable should be specified once in ``names`` - ``names`` which are not specified as output variables are ignored - additional options are passed directly to ``numpy.genfromtxt()` """ if self.names is None: names = data.dtype.names else: names = self.names dtype = [ (name, float, data.dtype[name].shape if name in data.dtype.names else ()) for name in names ] try: raw = np.genfromtxt(self.path, dtype=dtype, **self.options) except OSError: self.logger.error(f"output file {self.path} not found")"cwd = {os.getcwd()}") dirname = os.path.dirname(self.path) or ".""ls {dirname} = {os.listdir(dirname)}") raise for key in names: if key in data.dtype.names: data[key] = raw[key]
# --- HDF5 Postprocessor --- #
[docs]@Postprocessor.wrap("hdf5", config=dict(path="stdout")) def HDF5Postprocessor(self, data): """Postprocessor to read output from a HDF5 file - variables are assumed to be stored with the correct key and able to be converted immediately - not extensively tested """ import h5py with h5py.File(self.path, "r") as f: for key in f.keys(): if key in data.dtype.names: data[key] = f[key][:]